トップ  »  新着情報  »  2009年7月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル イギリス)

2009年7月 月次レポート(モエデブ?ワエル イギリス)


モエデブ ワエル

This is the last month for me in London. The main task for me was to work on my first paper that I will be publishing in October this year. This paper tries to investigate the changes that immigrants from North Africa have witnessed following the 9/11 incidents in the US.

The paper has followed an interpretative approach in which perceptions of Maghrebi immigrants are to be analyzed. Another meeting with my mentor Dr. Raman was planned but due to end year exams and summer vacation the meeting couldn't be arranged.

As I have stated above, it's the summer vacation now in London. Almost all the foreign students are going back to their home countries. If you come to SOAS these days you can see most of the students carrying their luggage and preparing to leave for home.

On the last week of my stay in London I had a visit to the Edgware road or the "little Cairo" or "little Beirut" as most of the Londoners prefer to call it. The road is a major street which goes through the west of central London. It is very rich in ethnic communities from the Middle East and Africa and is described by the Iranian comedian Omid djalili as being " which, after Mecca, is probably the most Islamic place on the planet".[i] The road is full of arabic shisha shops and resturants where you can enjoy traditional middle eastern food at the center of london.if you are looking for watching an arabic movie you can go to the odeon cinema on the same road where you can enjoy the latest in arabic cinema.

[i] Times online : Omid Djalili found on http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/stage/comedy/article3590492.ece
