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2012年1月 月次レポート(プルナ?バハドウール?カルキ イギリス)

KARKI Purna Bahadur

January Monthly Report

 With end of 2011, a New Year and a new month started with a new resolution. The first week of this month, there were some public holidays; however, the days had a new charm to them, and were very exciting. This month, I was able to receive comments on my dissertation drafts from my mentor professor, Dr. Lawrence. He mentioned that the draft was good but that chapter four and a few subsections still needed to be modified. He said they needed to elaborate more holistically according to my main hypothesis. Moreover, he suggested some articles that I should consider during my full paper writing. Aside from this, I received some reconstruction technique to add some uniqueness to my paper.

 Further, this month as usual, I focused my research on archive materials and library research on my research related literature. The Peoples Power in Nepal, edited by R.K. Vishwakarma, highlights the Nepali political development during the 1997-2006 period, in which he evaluates the Nepali political power and gave names such as  "women and children's power," "Red power," and so on. R.K Vishwakarm appraises the Maoist role and stated that the people's war has played a crucial role in transforming the Nepalese Society. Meanwhile, Li Onesto put forth his argument that the Maoist revolution is good for the children of Nepal arguing that Maoist revolution was gained via mass, popular support throughout the nation, and via Maoist base areas where the Maoists had control. He argues that poor peasants are administering a "new peoples' power" which carries out land reform and gives women, minorities and lower castes equal rights. Through this, he argued that the Maoist revolution was a genuine struggle for liberation. By making such positive arguments towards the Maoist movements and revolutionary picture, he provides more insights on this issue. This will make it easier to compare and understand the current Nepal Maoist discourse.

 During this month, I focused on the Nepali Maoist Revolution's root causes deeply,  and looked at the Maoist's 40-point demands, their twelve-point, "Memorandum of  Understanding" (MOU) between the CPN Maoist faction and seven party alliance, and the eight-point MOU between the CPN Maoist faction and seven party alliance, and progress on the Peace process in Nepal. Analysis of the above agreements, as well as looking at the implements perspective, they were weak and not fulfilled by either of the parties. Looking back to 2006 and contemporary sceneries gives a different picture of the Maoist revolution and the New Nepal. Throughout this month, I was able to gain much knowledge concerning Nepali revolutionary warfare, and theoretical perspectives on the people's power.
