Jeremy Corral

- 役職/
Position - Former Visiting Lecturer
- 研究分野/
Field - Modern and Contemporary Music in Japan
?Please give us a brief description of your area of expertise.
I have interest in contemporary music and sound practices in Japan. I recently finished my PhD dissertation about the early history of Japanese electronic music (1950s-1960s) and the production of the NHK studio. I am now heading towards a research on the technopop scene from the 1970s and the way it focuses on the representation of Japan's international character.
?In TUFS what is your lecture?
My lecture is about Japanese contemporary music history, which we regard through cultural history and some of its social dynamics.
?Japan studies in TUFS have issued a policy to lay emphasis on the reinforcement of the Japan's ability to deliver a message to the world. What do you think is necessary for that?
I think students need to interrogate what they experiment in their daily life to understand how culture is constructed. Their message to the world would be more authentic and efficient if they do not consider culture as something that naturally determines tastes and behaviour
?How about TUFS and students?
I think it is a very good opportunity for students to get some lectures in English given by foreigners. They can apprehend some points of view that are certainly different from the one they developed living within Japanese society and confront ideas in a language that is not their native one. This is something I never experienced in the French university system.
?Compared with overseas, what is good in Japan and not good in Japan?
This question is difficult to answer, but concerning my own experience of Japan I appreciate how reliable are the services. But I also think that in a general way too much reliability upon something external to us prevents us from being totally autonomous and self-confident in our capacity to solve the problems we may be confronted to.