

What is LET'S??

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LET'S is a club which provides students with "Tandem." By the way, have you ever heard of "Tandem"?
"Tandem" is a language exchange program where participants are paired up with someone who can teach the language they want to learn. For example, student A wants to learn Chinese and can teach Japanese. Student B wants to learn Japanese and can teach Chinese. The two students, A and B, will be paired up; student A will learn Chinese from B and student B will learn Japanese from A. Through this program, students can learn a new language and also meet other students in TUFS!
LET'S will pair up students according to the registration form you have sent us (what language you want to learn and what you can teach). There will be a session ?Aevery Monday and Wednesday lunch time at ?????Z???^?[(Japanese Language Center) on campus where pairs will teach and learn languages from each other.

At every session, the facilitator of LET'S will provide topics for pairs to talk about during that time.
Topics are such as, self introduction, hobbies, and plans for the weekend.