Major Works |
【Book Chapters】
- Kemeuze, V.A., D.J. Sonwa, P.M. Mapongmetsem, L.V. Verchot, E. Fongnzossie F., B-A. Nkongmeneck 2020. "Land use management by smallholders' households as a promising way for synergies between the Rio Conventions: Case study in semi-arid areas of Cameroon". In J.C. Dagar, S.R. Gupta, and D. Teketay (eds.), Agroforestry for Degraded Landscapes. Singapore: Springer, pp.189-211.
- Nkongmeneck, B-A, R. Caspa, and E. Fongnzossie Fedoung 2013. "Tropical rainforests of Africa: Can conservation projects reconcile forest conservation and development of forest-dependent communities?". In M. Lowman, S. Devy, and T. Ganesh (eds.), Treetops at risks: Challenges of Global Canopy Ecology and Conservatio. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, pp. 401-404.
【Major peer-reviewed articles】
- Eyinga Biw?lé, J.J., A.B. Biwolé, J. Zobo Mfomo, C. Segovia, A. Pizzi, X. Chen, E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, A. Ateba, and P-J. Meausoone 2021. "Causes of differential behavior of extractives on the natural cold water durability of the welded joints of three tropical woods". Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., V.P. Nguiamba, R. Eboué, G.M. Dabove, A.B. Biwole, E. Njeugna 2021. "Défis et perspectives de l'écologisation de l'enseignement et de la formation technique et professionnelle au Cameroun". Revue Francophone du Développement Durable 17: 1-17.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., A.B. Biwole, C.F. Nyangono Biyegue, M.N. Tounkam, P.A. Ntonga, V.P. Nguiamba, D.M. Essono, P.F. Funwi, C. Tonga, G.M. Nguenang, V. Kemeuze, D.J. Sonwa, N. Tsabang, I.S. Bouelet, A. Tize, A.T. Boum, M.C. Momo Solefack, J.L. Betti, A. Nouga Bissoue, L.G. Lehman,P.M. Mapongmetsem, L. Nneme Nneme, R.A. Ngono Ngane, and J.N. Yonkeu 2021. "A review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic". Advances in Traditional Medicine.
- Zobo Mfomo, J., A.B. Biwolé, E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, G.T. Ekassi, D. Hubert, H. Ducenne, J.G. Tamba, R. Mouangue 2020. "Carbonization technologies and wood species influence quality attributes of charcoals produced from industrial sawmill residues in Eastern Cameroon". Bois et Forêts des Tropiques 345: 65-74.
- Bessike, J.G., E. Fongnzossie, A. Biwolé, J. Zobo Mfomo, N.A. Moise, D. Abessolo, M.L. Sameza, and P.A. Ntonga 2020. "Synergistic effect of Jatropha curcas seed oil and sodium tetraborate treatment on wood resistance to fungal attacks: case of Ayous (Triplochiton scleroxylon), a high value commercial wood species in tropical Africa". Wood Material Science & Engineering.
- Madeleine, J. and E. Fongnzossie 2020. "Ethnobotanical Survey of Plants Used as Amulets Among the Banen Ethnic Group in Ndiki Sub-Division (Centre Region of Cameroon)". Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 68(4): 741-753.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., C.F. Nyangono Biyegue, A.B. Biwolé, P.N.B. Ebai, N.B. Ndifongwa, J. Motove, and S.D. Dibong 2019. "Wild edible plants and mushrooms of the Bamenda Highlands in Cameroon: Ethnobotanical assessment and potentials for enhancing food security". Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 16(12).
- M.L. Avana Tientcheu, C. Marunda, E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, V.A. Kemeuze, J.R. Ngueguim, and D. Mutta 2019. "Tree germplasm management systems and its potential for sustaining plantation forestry in West and Central Africa". African Journal of Rural Development 4(1): 33-63.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., A.B. Biwolé, G.M. Nguenang, S. Ngo Soumbang, C. Ngo Nyanit, L.M. Fono, S.D. Dibong, F. Nekdem and R. Ngoufo 2019. "Analyse floristique, structurale et phytogéographique de la végétation du massif forestier de Ngog-Mapubi-Dibang (Cameroun)". Le Journal de Botanique de la Société de botanique de France 86: 75-92.
- Momo Solefack, M.C., L. F. Temgoua, E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, and R. Zangmene Djouba 2018. "Vegetation and functional spectrum of the Koupa Matapit forest gallery (West Cameroon)". Revue internationale de géologie, de géographie et d'écologie tropicales 42(1): 147-158.
- Fongnzossie, E., T. Mbang Nkongo, D. Siegfried Didier, and M. Ngansop 2018. "L'agrobiodiversité végétale au sein des paysages forestiers utilisés par les communautés Baka et Konabembé au Sud-Est Cameroun : caractérisation et potentiel pour la sécurité alimentaire des ménages". Revue d'Ethnoécologie 13.
- Momo Solefack, M.C., E. Fongnzossie, and T.F. Lucie 2018. "Factors determining floristic composition and functional diversity of plant communities of mount Oku forests (Cameroon)". Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 11(2): 284-293.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., Z. Tize, C.F. Nyangono Biyegue, A. Nouga Bissoue, S. Baraye, and N. Tsabang 2018. "Herbal cosmetics knowledge of Arab-Choa and Kotoko ethnic groups in the semi-arid areas of far north Cameroon: Ethnobotanical assessment and phytochemical review". Cosmetics 5(2).
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., Z. Tize, P.J. Fogang Nde, C.F. Nyangono Biyegue, I.S. Bouelet Ntsama, S.D. Dibong, and B.A. Nkongmeneck 2017. "Ethnobotany and pharmacognostic perspective of plant species used as traditional cosmetics and cosmeceuticals among the Gbaya ethnic group in Eastern Cameroon". South African Journal of Botany 112: 29-39.
- Tsabang, N., E. Fongnzossié, V. Keumeze, R. Jiofack, D. Njamen, D.J. Sonwa, and T.B Nguelefack 2017. "Ethnomedical and ethnopharmacological study of plants used by indigenous people of Cameroon for the treatments of diabetes and its signs, symptoms and complications". Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis 8(1).
- Fongnzossie, E. and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2016. "Sustainability assessment of non timber forest products in South-Eastern Cameroon rainforests". Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences 4(3): 66-74.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., D.J. Sonwa, V. Kemeuze, P. Auzel, and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2014. "Aboveground carbon assessment in the Kom-Mengamé forest conservation complex, South Cameroon: Exploring the potential of managing forests for biodiversity and carbon". Natural Resources Forum.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., M.Ngansop Tounkam, L. Zapfack, V.A. Kemeuze, D.J. Sonwa, G.M. Nguenang, and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2014. "Density and natural regeneration potential of selected commercial non timber forest products in the mixed-evergreen rainforest of South Eastern Cameroon". African Study Monographs, Supplementary issue 49: 69-90.
- Tajeukem, V.C. E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, V.A. Kemeuze, and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2014. "Vegetation structure and composition at the northern periphery of the Boumba-Bek National Park, South-East Cameroon". African Study Monographs, Supplementary issue 49: 13-46.
- Fongnzossie Fedoung, E., B-A. Nkongmeneck, N. Tsabang, and G. Nguenang 2011. "The importance of habitat characteristics for tree diversity in the Mengamé gorilla reserve (south Cameroon)". Tropics 19(2) : 53-66.
- Nguenang, G.M., E. Fongnzossie Fedoung, and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2010. "Importance des forêts secondaires pour la collecte des plantes utiles chez les Badjoué de l'Est Cameroun". Revue Tropicultura 28(4): 238-245.
- Jiofack, T., C. Fokunang, N. Guedje, V. Kemeuze, E. Fongnzossie, B-A. Nkongmeneck, P.M. Mapongmetsem, and N. Tsabang 2010. "Ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants of two ethnoecological regions of Cameroon". International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2(3): 60-79.
- Jiofack, T., C. Fokunang, V. Kemeuze, E. Fongnzossie, N. Tsabang, R. Nkuinkeu, P.M. Mapongmetsem, and B-A. Nkongmeneck 2008. "Ethnobotany and phytopharmacopoea of the South-West ethnoecological region of Cameroon". Journal of Medicinal Plant Research 2(8): 197-206.