
Horman Chitonge

Horman Chitonge
Name Horman Chitonge
Affiliation Visiting Professor, African Studies Centre- TUFS. Associate Professor and the Head of African Studies Section at the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town (UCT).
Key Words Agrarian political economy, Water supply and resource management, Poverty and inequality, Social protection, Alternatives for Africa’s economic growth and development
Research Interest Horman Chitonge is Professor of African Studies at the Centre for African Studies, and a researcher fellow at PRISM, School of Economics, University of Cape Town. He is also a Visiting professor at African Studies Centre, Tokyo University of Foreign and in the Global Justice Programme, Yale University. His research interests include Economic development in Africa, agrarian political economy, water supply, social welfare, poverty and inequality and alternatives for African economic growth.
Academic Career 1996-2000 University of Zimbabwe
2003-2005 School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Masters by Course Work)
2005-2008 School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (PhD)
Degree PhD(Development Studies):School of Development Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal(2008)
Professional Career 2013 - present Associated professor at the Centre for African Studies
2018 Visiting professor, African Studies Center - Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Major Works


[Edited Volumes]

  • Chitonge, H., C. Fundanga, V. Songwe, and M. Kabinga Eds. (forthcoming). Oxford Hanbook of the Zambian Economy. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Stein, H. and H. Chitonge Eds. (forthcoming). Industrial Policy Institutions in Africa. Oxford University Press.
  • Chitonge, H. and R. Harvey, R. 2021. Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Governance Deficit. Cham: Springer, xxi+339 pp..
  • Chitonge, H. and Y. Mine Eds. 2019. Land, the State and the Unfinished Decolonisation Project in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor Sam Moyo. Bamenda: Langaa Publishers, 389 pp..
  • Chitonge, H. and B. B. Umar Eds. 2018. The Dilemmas of Customary Land in Zambia Today: Navigating the Contours of Change. New York: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 250 pp..
  • Bond, P., H. Chitonge, and A. Holfmaneds Eds. 2006. The Accumulation of Capital in Southern Africa. Johannesburg: Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

[Refereed Jourrnal Articles]

[Book Chapters]

  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Social Safety Nets Re-Loaded: An Analysis of the Second Generation Safety Nets in Africa" in Social Welfare: Policies, Perspectives and Challenges, M. Presley ed.). New York: Nova Publishing Inc. 99-142
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "The State of KwaZulu-Natal Labour Market" in N. Nzimande (ed.) State of the Population of KwaZulu-Natal: Demographic Profile and Development Indicators. Pietermarisburg: KwaZulu-Natal Department for Social development. Chapter 5

[Discussion Papers]

  • Chitonge, H. (2016) African Capitalism: the New and the Old Lyrics (RAOPE Round Table Briefing
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "Zambia's Development Agreements and the Soaring Copper Prices." Southern Africa Resource Watch, Resource Insight, Issue No.11.
  • Chitonge, H. (2006). "The Role of Civil Society in New Development Approaches." Centre for Civil Society Discussion Paper No.18/06, University of KwaZulu-Natal available at 12.03.14

[Book Review]

  • Chitonge, H. (2014). Africa Emerges: Consummate Challenges, Abundant Opportunities by Robert Rotberg(2013). Cambridge: Polity Press, Review of African Political Economy.

[Research Reports]

  • Chitonge H. (2017). Assessing Intersectoral Linkages in the Zambian Economy" The case of Agroprocessing. For the International Growth Centre(IGC), London School of Economics.
  • Chitonge H. (2017). The Political Economy of Energy Policy in South Africa: From a Gender Agenda to a Class Project. For Energia, Netherlands

2. Land and agrarian political economy

[Publishd Articles in Refereed Jourrnals]

  • Chitonge, H. et al (2017). "Silent Privatization of Customary Land in Zambia: Emerging Dynamics in Chibombo and Chongwe Districts. Social Dynamics.
  • Chitonge, H., O. Mfune, D. Kafwamba and G. Kajoba (2017). "Hybrid Land Markets: Monetarised Customary Land Transactions in Zambia." Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 51, No.1. 123-143.
  • Chitonge, H. (2015). "Customary Land in Zambia at Cross-Roads: Two Decades of Contested Land Reform." SADC Law Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1. 45-67.
  • Chitonge, H.and Mfune. O (2015). The Urban Land Question in Africa: The Case of Urban Land Conflicts in the City of Lusaka, 100 Years after its Founding. Habitat International 48. 2009-218.
  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Land Reform and the Zero Hunger Programmes: Can South Africa Reap the Triple Dividend?" Journal of Poverty and Public Policy. Vol. 6, No.4. 380-406.
  • Chitonge, H. (2013). "Land use and Rural Livelihood in South Africa: Emerging Evidence from the Eastern Cape". Agrarian South, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 2, No.1. 1-42. Available at:
  • Chitonge, H. & Ntsebeza, L. (2012). "Land Reform and Rural Livelihood in South Africa: Does Land Matter?" Review of Agrarian South, Vol. 2, No.2

[Book Chapter]

  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Land Resource Ownership and Use in Africa of the Labour Reserves (SADC)" in B. Chigara (ed.) Problematising SADC Land Issues. London: Routledge. 57-88.

[Book Review]

  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Southern African Development Community Land Issues: Towards a new Sustainable Land Relations Policy, Vols.1 &2" Book Review. SADC Law Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2. 335-339

[Reserch Report]

  • Chitonge H. (2013). Developmental Outcomes of Land Restitution Phase I: Eastern Cape Provincial Appraisal Report. Economic Performance and Development Department, Human Science (HSRC) for the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform

3. Water supply and resource management

[Publishd Articles in Refereed Jourrnals]

  • Chitonge, H. (2014). "Cities Beyond Networks: The Status of Water Services for the Urban Poor in African Cities". African Studies, Vol. 73, No.1. 58-83
  • Chitonge, H. (2013). "Who will foot the Bill? Water Services Infrastructure Backlog in Sub-Saharan Africa" Journal of African Studies and Development, Vol. 5, No.3. 41-56. Available at:
  • Chitonge, H. (2011). "A Decade of Implementing Water Services Reforms in Zambia: Review of Outcomes, Challenges and Opportunities." Water Alternatives, Vol.4, No.3. 1-22
  • Chitonge, H. (2010). "Who is Cross-subsidizing Whom? Water Supply Cross-subsidisation Policy, Practice and Lessons from Zambia." Journal of Modern African Studies 48(4) 599-624.

[Discussion Paper]

  • Chitonge, H. (2012). "Water Services Reforms in Zambia2000-2010." UNESCO Global Water Forum, Discussion Paper No. 1203.