Research Results


【Book Publication】Takeuchi, S. ed. Land and Power in Africa: Understanding Drastic Rural Changes in the Age of Land Reform (in Japanese)

◆ Editor Shinichi Takeuchi ◆Chapter Introduction: Land Reform and Rural Change in Recent Africa Chapter 1: Customary Land Tenure and Lar...


Takanori OISHI【Paper Publication】Is ? Smiling? Cross-Cultural Study on Recognition of Emoticon’s Emotion

◆Name: Kohske TAKAHASHI, Takanori OISHI, Masaki SHIMADA ◆Date: October 24, 2017 ◆Published in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology ◆Title: I...


Wakana SHIINO【Book Publication】"Mass Media and Fieldworkers"

◆Name: Wakana SHIINO ◆Date: August 15, 2017 ◆Wakana SHIINO and Kotaro FUKUI eds. Mass Media and Fieldworkers, Tokyo: Kokon-Shoin Publisher, ...


Shinichi TAKEUCHI【Communication at the Academic Conference】 Enclosure in population scarcity: the case of western DR Congo

◆Name: Shinichi TAKEUCHI, Raymond LUMBUENAMO & Guy-Verlain Tshimanga wa TCHIMANGA ◆Date: 21 May 2017 ◆Paper presented at the annual meet...


Wakana SHIINO【Book Publication】

◆Name: Wakana SHIINO ◆Date: 30 June 2017 ◆Soichiro SHIRAISHI and Wakana SHIINO eds. Understanding Social Problems as Situated Phenomena. Tok...


Hitomi KIRIKOSHI【Presentation at the Academic Conference】Youth Business Development through Kola Trade in West Africa

◆Name: Hitomi KIRIKOSHI ◆Date: 21 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shins...


Daisuke Shinagawa【Presentation at the Academic Conference】The fluidity in Sheng its evolving social status and structural hybridity

◆Name: Daisuke Shinagawa ◆Date: 20 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shin...


Makiko SAKAI【Presentation at the Academic Conference】Production and Distribution of Vegetables in West Cameroon Study of Women Venders’ Network and Periodic Market system

◆Name: Makiko SAKAI ◆Date: 20 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shinshu U...


Kota KARIYA【Presentation at the Academic Conference】A Criterion for Muslim Slave Trade in Seventeenth-Century West Africa: An Analysis of A?mad Bābā's Mi‘rāj

◆Name: Kota KARIYA ◆Date: 20 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shinshu Un...


Hiroki ISHIKAWA【Presentation at the Academic Conference】On the Cultivation of New World Crops in PALOP during the Portuguese Colonial Period: With Emphasis on Angola and Mozambique

◆Name: Hiroki ISHIKAWA ◆Date: 20 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shinsh...


Hirosi NAKAGAWA 【Presentation at the Academic Conference】Cross-family rarities in Khoisan phonology and the Khoisan genetic prehistory

◆Name: Hirosi NAKAGAWA ◆Date: 20 May 2017 ◆Presentation at the annual meeting of Japan Association for African Studies (JAAS) held at Shinsh...
