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African Studies Association 60th annual meeting at Chicago, Visit at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

November 15-22, 2017

At the occasion of the 60th annual meeting of African Studies Association at Chicago (16-18 November 2017), I (Takeuchi) had a chance to organize the following panel titled"Land Reform, Rural Changes, and Political Power in Africa".


Scott Straus (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


Sara Berry (Johns Hopkins University)


Shuichi Oyama (Kyoto University) "Autonomy and authority of chiefs regarding administration of customary land in Zambia"

Teshome Emana (Addis Ababa University) "The Political Economy of Land and Socio-economic Dynamics in a Rural-Urban Interface in Ethiopia"

Horman Chitonge (University of Cape Town) "Land Restitution in South Africa Re-Loaded: What Happens after the Land is Restored?"

Shinichi Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / IDE-JETRO) "African Enclosure in the Context of Land Law Reforms"

Professor Sara Berry and Professor Scott Straus kindly accepted to serve as a discussant and a chair, respectively. It was very lucky for me to have a lot of insightful comments.

(With panelists and Professor Sara Berry)

After the ASA meeting, I moved to Madison for a visit of the African Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The African Studies Program includes more than 70 professors of various departments and can trance back in the 1970s, when eminent scholars like Jan Vansina, Phlip Curtin, and Aristid Zolberg worked together for the launch. At the visit on 20 November, Neil Kodesh (Director of the Program) and Aleia McCord (Associate Director) kindly explained their activities.

(Ingraham Hall. African Studies Program is located in this building.)

Professor Scott Straus provided great assistances for my visit at Madison. In the afternoon, I had a chance to attend his class on "The Comparative Study of Genocide" for undergraduate students. In addition, thanks to his arrangements, I could meet outstanding scholars in the field of DR Congo, Professor Michael Schatzberg and Emeritus Professor Crawford Young. It was truly a wonderful day!

Thank you very much, Scott!