Object of Project
Object of our project is to reveal experiences of local inhabitants and inheritance of logics and memories about identities in Alpine-Adriatic region in which Italy, Austria and Slovenia border each other. This region is the borderland that was created in 19th and 20th century as a result of drawings aond redrawings of borders in Europe. We focus on the "national indifference" of borderland inhabitants who have been the objects of natinalization movements of modern nation-states. Modern science has tended to assume "nation as a collective a priori", but we try to consider it as "occasional and unsettled community". By researching "national indifference" as an ellected strategy of local inhabitants after the modernization and nation-state building, we aim to provide the basis from historical perspective for understatnding the contemporary society, in which occational conflicts happen on the basis of essentialistic view of culture and national identity.