Since 1999, We publish QUADRANTE: Areas, Cultures and Positions.(Articles are mainly in Japanese)
- No.1 (1999)
- No.2 (2000)
- No.3 (2001)
- No.4 (2002)
- No.5 (2003)
- No.6 (2004)
- No.7 (2005)
- No.8 (2006)
- No.9 (2007)
- No.10 (2008)
- No.11 (2009)
- No.12-13 (2011)
- No.14 (2012)
- No.15 (2013)
- No.16 (2014)
- No.17 (2015)
- No.18 (2016)
- No.19 (2017)
- No.20 (2018)
- No.21 (2019) Released also in e-Books page.
- No.22 (2020) Released also in e-Books page.
- No.23 (2021) Released also in e-Books page.
- No.24 (2022) Released also in e-Books page.
- No.25 (2023) Released also in e-Books page.
QUADRANTE No.1 (Mar. 1999)
Foreword | Hideki Masutani |
Articles | |
The Protocol Adopted by the Mikado | Kazuyoshi Nakayama |
Views of Kita Ikki and Yoshino Sakuzo on the 1911 Revolution and the May 4th Movement: a Comparative Study | Huang Tzu Chin |
"Obreros" and "Peones": the Two Types of the Urban Popular Class in 19th-20th-Century Chile | Masaaki Takahasi |
Death after the Holocaust: What would Wojdowski's Suicide Tell us? | Masatoshi Kohara |
A "Paradox" in Max Weber Reception in Japan: Apparent "Discontinuity" and Hidden "Contituity" in Historiography | Tosiyuki Mitoma |
Notes | |
Note on the Formation of the "Spanish Monarchy" and Conerso Problems | Hirotaka Tateisi |
The Inquisition and New Christians in Portugal: A Comment on the Controversy between Révah and Sarraiva | Norio Kinshiti |
Special Feature: Religions and Areal Identities | |
Coexistence of Religions in Indonesia | Kazuko Ishii |
Religion and Politics in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam: The Role of Religious "phap nhan" | Akio Imai |
Christians as a Religious Minority in Egypt - a Study of Religious Diversity in the Middle East | Kumiko Yagi |
Papers | |
What is Her "Right" Name, "a Woman", "a Palestinian" or "a Filastiniya"? | OKA Mari |
QUADRANTE No.2 (Mar. 2000)
Feature: International Symposium "Memory and History" | |
General Introduction: Between Memory and History | Tadao Uemura |
Memory, Lapse of Memory, History: History Description as Mnemonics | Minoru Iwasaki |
"Republic" as Dissonance of the Memories: "Republican France" and Collective Memories | Koichi Kudo |
Summary of and Comments on "Memories of a Global City: 'The Singapore Story'" by Diana Wong | Teruko Saito |
War Memory in Vietnam under the Doi Moi Process | Akio Imai |
Memory of the Vietnam War in Contemporary America | Eiko Ikui |
General Comment | Minoru Iwasaki |
Comments and Discussions in the Symposium | Kotaro Kanai |
Memories of a Global City :"The Singapore Story" | Diana Wong |
Toward a History of National Memory | John Bodnar |
Memory and History at the End of History | Patrick Hutton |
Articles | |
China Image in the Late Meiji Period : The Japanese Government's Support to and Fear of the Chinese Revolutionary Movements | Huang Tzu Chin |
Activity of research | |
Southeast Asian Research Trends in Europe and the Related Source Materials | Ryuji Okudaira |
Book Review | |
The Imagination of Spinoza and Its Problematic of Identity | Kotaro Yoshida |
" Life as an Art " and Its Dogmatism | Hiroshi Takahashi |
QUADRANTE No.3 (Mar. 2001)
Feature: Memory and History II | |
Colonial violence: Communal memories and postcolonial morality in the Netherlands | Remco RABEN |
One-sided "memories" with intent to ignore the historical facts | SATOH Hiroyuki |
The Document of the Workshop: "Rewriting Memories of the Occupation" | IWASAKI Minoru |
Comments and Discussions in the Workshop | IMAI Akio |
History and Memory in Czech Republic in the 1990's | Zdenek HOJDA |
Memory as Politics: A comment submitted to the international symposium at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Feb.2.2001) | OZAWA Hiroaki |
"Origins" as a Pitfall: Reflections on History and Memory of Yokohama City | ABE Yasunari |
Writing histories, Reading histories | YASUMURA Naoki |
Comments and Discussions in the Workshop | SOMA Yasuo |
Japan Folklore Movement, Fascism, Colonialism | MURAI Osamu |
"Proto-Japan" or "Japonesia"?: Notes on Tanigawa Ken-ichi ed., Sosho Waga-Okinawa | UEMURA Tadao |
Comments on the Workshop "Memory of Okinawa / History of Japan" | SHIDAMA Shinri |
Articles | |
Dreaming of "Paris of America":Vicuna Mackenna and his plan to transform the city of Santiago de Chile | TAKAHASHI Masaaki |
Anti-Fascism Hysteria | NAKAYAMA Chikako |
Christian Missions and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom | WATANABE Yuko |
A Review of the Studies of the Boxer Movement for 100 years in Japan (1900-2000) | SATO Kimihiko |
Book Review | |
Economical Development from the Viewpoint of Gender | YAMAMOTO Akiyo |
A Study of the Jornalero Culture in Contemporary Andalusia | SHIOMI Chikako |
On a Possibility of the History of Aesthetics: A Contradiction as a Method | OHSAWA Toshiro |
Diversity or Graduation | YOSHIDA Kotaro |
QUADRANTE No.4 (Mar. 2002)
Feature 1: Memory and History Ⅲ | |
Why are We Problematizing the Memory of the Vietnam War here and now? | IWASAKI Minoru |
The Fadeless Memories of the War | Bao Ninh |
REMINISCENCE OF WAR of one northern Vietnamese | NGUYEN Minh Tuan |
The Pain is deeper than the Memory | Phan Nhat Nam |
The South Korean Military Participation in the Vietnam War | KU Su Jeong |
How did China commit with the Vietnam War? | ZHU Jianrong |
Vietnam War and "Beheiren" | ODA Makoto |
Discussion | |
The Diversified Memories of the Vietnam War | ENDO Satoshi |
[For the World-Wide Appeasing! ] (2) | FUJII Sadakazu |
Toward Okinawan Vernacular Cosmopolitanism: Liberating Ifa Fuyu from the Discourse of Authenticity | OHTA Yoshinobu |
Narrating Okinawa: From Inside and Outside | MIYAGI Kimiko |
Life is Precious: An Okinawan Perspective on History | YAKABI Osamu |
How Okinawan Audience reacted to Chris Marker's "Level 5"? | OGATA Kiwako |
Feature 2: Jewish Refugees and Memory of the Diaspora | |
Jewish Refugees in the NS-era as the Modern Diaspora | WOLFGANG Benz |
Anti-Semitism and Jewish Refugees in War-time Imperial Japan | KANEKO Martin |
Eichmann's "Vienna Model" | MASUTANI Hideki |
Workshop Report: "Jewish Refugees and Memory of the Diaspora" | NAGATA Hiroaki |
Articles | |
Post Sep.11: the Logic and Thinking of the New Civics Textbook by Fusosha | IWASAKI Minoru |
The Countenance of the Angel: the Technique of Reproduction and Total Mobilization in the Interwar Period | Nakayama Chikako |
Max Weber Studies and the Theories of Chinese Society | MITOMA Toshiyuki |
Cultural Heterogeneity and Philosophical Nationalism: Miki Kiyoshi's Conception of Japan in the World | John Namjun KIM |
Enlightenment through "Nature" | FURUKAWA Takako |
Book Review | |
Capitalistic Temporality and Disquiet of Everydayness: the Question of History in History's Disquiet | KIMOTO Takeshi |
The Paradox constitutive of Democracy and a New Left Politics | ISHII Akiko |
Time Consciousness in Modernity and Potentiality of Study for Everyday Life | ITABASHI Yuuki |
Soviet Mythologies | FURUKAWA Akira |
Time Consciousness in Modernity and Potentiality of Study for Everyday Life | OHSAWA Toshiro |
Acta Eruditorum and an aspect of interpreting the respublica litteraria in the 17-18th Century Germany | YOSHIDA Kohtaro |
QUADRANTE No.5 (Mar. 2003)
Feature 1: Memory and History IV "How Should We Read the Japanese Version of Pierre Nora (ed.), Les lieux de memoire ?" | |
Introduction | KUDO Koichi |
Main Speech: Beyond Les lieux de memoire | TANIGAWA Minoru |
Comment | YASUMARU Yoshio |
Comment | MAKIHARA Norio |
Comment | IWASAKI Minoru |
Response to Comments | WATANABE Kazuyuki |
Response to Comments | EGAWA Atsushi |
Response to Comments | NAGAI Nobuhito |
Discussion | |
Feature 2: JCOH Symposium "Globalization and Rewriting History of Europe" | |
Proposal | MASUTANI Hideki |
Catholic Monarchy, Occidentalization, Globalization, and Cultural Mixtures | Serge GRUZINSKI |
Does Modern Europe Have a History? | Mark MAZOWER |
European History Located in World History | NISHIKAWA Masao |
Comments | KOTANI Hiroyuki |
Discussion | |
Focus | |
Forward | IWASAKI Minoru |
Discussion: Rethinking Thesis "Fascism of Everyday Life"(Discussants: LIM Jihyeon, KO/JEONG Gaphee, KIM Dongchun, KIM Chul, PARK Hwanmu) | Translation: CHOI Jinseok |
How to Deepen the Thesis "Fascism of Everyday Life" | LIM Jihyeon |
Articles | |
Immigration and the Problem of Assimilation in Wien in the late 19th Century | MASUTANI Hideki |
Representations of a Murdered Girl: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank Reconsidererd, 1913-1915 | SASAKI Takahiro |
Struggle for Humanity: An Investigation of the Rise and Range of Neo-liberalism | NAKAYAMA Chikako |
Notes and Suggestions | |
A Paradox in Writing the History of the Common People: A Case of the Caste War in Chipas, Mexico | OBARA Tadashi |
Book Review | |
How Does "Japan Criticism" Secede from "Japan" ? ?The Impression of Naoki SAKAI, Kako no Koe (Voices of the Past), Ibunsha, 2002 | SAWAI Keiichi |
Intellectual History as Social Intervention: On Naoki SAKAI's Voices of the Past | KASAI Hirotaka |
Embracing Ambiguities?: J. W. Dower's Embracing Defeat and the Shadow of "Postwar Japan-US Relations) | TOBE Hideaki |
Publicity and Homogeneity ?The Ambiguity of Joachim Heinrich Campe's Language Purism | YOSHIDA Kohtaro |
Control and Bureaucracy: From the Perspective of Telecommunication Policy | ITABASHI Yuuki |
Recent Publications | |
Alexander Haas, Die vergessene Bauernpartei: Der Steirische Landbund und sein Einflus auf die osterreichische Politik 1918-1934 | FUJII Yoshiko |
QUADRANTE No. 6 (Mar. 2004)
Feature 1: Perspective of "Realm of Memory" and Beyond- Recollecting/ Forgetting/ Writing | |
Introduction | NISHINAGA Yoshinari |
Main Speech | Pierre NORA |
Comments | KUDO Koichi , NARITA Ryuichi, LEE Yeounsuk, IWASAKI Minoru |
Discussion | |
Feature 2: Fundamentalism and Religious Nationalism: Who are the Hindu Nationalists? | |
Subaltern Agency and Hindu Nationalist Movements | AKAJIMA Takeshi |
Rural Hindu Nationalist Movement Participants | KAKUTA Eri |
Understanding Hindu Nationalism Through Its Development as a Mass-Mediated Movement | Arvind RAJAGOPAL |
Female Investment in Hindu Fundamentalism: Woman of the Sangh Parivar | Tanika SARKAR |
Comments | OHTSUKA Kazuo/ KONDO Mitsuhiro |
Feature 3: Workshop: German Migrants in the World: On the German communities in southern Brazil | |
German Immigrants, imigracao alema, e nacionalismo | Brepohl de MAGALHAES |
Por uma historia demografica dos contatos culturais | Sergio Odilon NADALIN |
Comments and Discussion | SUZUKI Shigeru |
Focus: Project of Coercion and Consent: A Comparative Study of "Mass Dictatorship" | |
Forward | IWASAKI Minoru |
Report on the Conference | LIM Jie-Hyun |
Articles | |
Wartime Mobilization and Zainichi Koreans | CHOI Deokhyo |
Forced Labour in Austria under the Nazi Dictatorship | MASUTANI Hideki |
Public Sphere and "Region" in the Province of Posen: Comparative analysis of "Zeitung des Grosherzogthums Posen" and "Gazeta Wielkiego Ksi?stwa Pozna?skiego" | WARITA Satoshi |
Confessionalism in Imperial Germany: Foundation and Character of the Center Party | WATADA Tetsuya |
Untimely Reflections on Modernization in China | Lau Kin Chi |
From the Coloniality as "Anank?" to the Colonial Modernity as "problematique" | Cho Hyeoung-Keun |
The Writer who Weaves History: Reading Glissant's " The Quarrel with History " | NAKAMURA Takayuki |
Arrested Higher Education | IWASAKI Minoru |
Ducuments: "East Asian Cooperativism" of Korean Intellektuals in the Sino-Japanese War Period(1937-41) | |
Comments | TOBE Hideaki |
"East Asian Cooperativism" of Korean Intellectuals in the Sino-Japanese War Period(1937-41) | KIM Miyoug-Sik, IN Jeong-Sik, CHA Jae-Jeong, SEO In-Sik, PARK Chi-Woo |
Book Review | |
An Investigation of the Legitimacy of "Cultural Economics" as a Study of the History of Economic Thought | SAIDA Atsuko |
Kim Ngoc Bao Ninh, A World Transformed: The Politics of Culture in Revolutionary Vietnam, 1945-1965 | HIRAYAMA Akihiro |
Character of the Popular Enlightenment and its Intellectual Conditions - in the case of the Reconstruction in Saxony and Cameralism | YOSHIDA Kohtaro |
QUADRANTE No.7 (Mar. 2005)
Feature | |
"Necropolitics" as a heuristic question: for the platform of the discussion | IWASAKI Minoru |
Necro-politics | Achille MBEMBE |
President Bush and "American Fundamentalism" | MORI Koichi |
The Nomos of the Earth in the American Century: Globalizing the International Law in the Western Hemisphere | KANAI Kotaro |
Dead Politics: Anti-Semitism and the Life of the Jews | Gil ANIDJAR |
Commnets | FUNADA-CLASSEN Sayaka |
Comments | SHIBUYA Nozomu |
Comments | UKAI Satoshi |
Discussion | |
Focus: The Report on the 2nd "Mass Dictatorship" International Conference | |
Introduction: Mass Dictatorship and Consensus Building | IWASAKI Minoru |
The Generation of the Unbound: The leadership Corps of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) | Michael WILDT |
Comparative perspective of Imperial Nationalism and the Minorities | SAKAI Naoki |
The Tactics of the Communist Regime in Poland in the National Question: The Policy Toward the Jews | Teliks TYCH |
Articles | |
On the Necessity to Change the Business Models of Small & Midsize-Sector Lending in the Japanese Financial Institutions: A Comparison with the US Financial Institutions | KUMAKURA Shuichi |
Postwar U.S. Business Cycles and the Long-Run Economic Expansion in the 1990s | GAMOU Keiichi |
Para-Existential Forces of Invention: Nakai Masakazu's Theory of Technology and Critique of Capitalism in the 1930s | Aaron MOORE |
Notes and Suggestions | |
The Problems on Health Care for Expatriates under Marketization of Medical System in China | KUBOTA Michio |
Documents: The Debate on "Naisen Ittai" (the Unity of Japan and Korea) of Korean Intellectuals in the Sino-Japanese War Period (1937-1941) | |
Comments | CHOI Jin-Seok |
The Debate on "Naisen Ittai" (the Unity of Japan and Korea) of Korean Intellectuals in the Sino-Japanese War Period (1937-41) | KIM Myeong-Sik, IN Jeong-Sik, HYEON Yeong-Seop, KIM Han-Gyeong, KIM Du-Jeong |
Book Review | |
The "New Music Scene" of Recife: The Local within the Global and the Global within the Local | ANDO Naoko |
Baumgarten's Actuality: The Meaning of Rethinking 《Aesthetica》 at the present after the 250th Anniversary of its Publication | OHSAWA Toshiro |
The United States at War: After September 11. | YAZAWA Chisei |
Good Order - A Historical Survey of the Idea "Policey" | YOSHIDA Kotaro |
QUADRANTE No.8 (Mar. 2006)
Feature: Revisiting ‘Fundamentalism' in the Middle East: Recent Trends in Israel and Palestinian Societies | |
Introduction | FUJITA Susumu |
Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel | Norton MEZVINSKY |
Background of Ascending Radical People's Movements in Arabic Societies | FUJITA Susumu |
Fundamentalism in Controversy | USUKI Akira |
Comments: The Story of Islamic Fundamentalism?! | Samir NOUH |
Discussion | |
Workshop | |
Proceso de recuperacion de una lengua en extincion: el catalan de Alguero | Joan Armangue i HERRERO |
Report | |
The Liberation Struggle as the Origins of the Armed Conflict in Mozambique ? Focusing on History of the People on the Ground | FUNADA- CLASSEN Sayaka |
Articles | |
A invencao cientifica da raca: a modernizacao negrofobia | Alberto Luiz SCHNEIDER |
Can "Asia" be useful? | LAU Kin Chi |
A New Periodization of "The Vietnam War" in Reading the Photographs | KIM Song Lan |
On the Effectiveness of Eco-labeling on Essential Goods: An Evidence from Japanese "Eco-mark" on Recycled Toilet-paper | SHINKUMA Takayoshi and SUZUKI Takayuki |
The Function of Law Offices Served for Chinese Business of Japanese Companies | SATO Nao |
Changing Patterns of the Distributive Conflicts in the Postwar U.S. Economy | GAMOU Keiichi |
Book Review | |
Distorted appropriation: The Problem in accepting Neil Postman's ‘Building a bridge to the 18th century' in Germany | OHSAWA Toshiro |
Blood and Organ Transplant Program by Chinese Red Cross Society: Acceleration of Blood and Organ Transplant Business under Marketization of Medical System in China | KUBOTA Michio |
How to Describe the History Emancipated from America: A Response to Filipino Historians from the perspective of "Colonial Modernity" | SERIZAWA Takamichi |
QUADRANTE No.9 (Mar. 2007)
Feature I: Thoughts and Works of Historian Hiroyuki Ninomiya | |
Introduction | Quadrante Editorial Board |
An Historian Hiroyuki Ninomiya | NARITA Ryuichi, YASUMARU Yoshio, YAMANOUCHI Yasushi |
Ninomiya, Bloch, Kantorowicz | CHIWAKI Osamu |
Are Historians Still Worth While Being Loved? | TOBE Hideaki |
In Memories of Prof. Ninomiya | MATSUMURA Takeshi |
From History of Serie to History of Lecture | UEMURA Tadao |
Ninomiya-san in Our Intimate Circle | MASUTANI Hideki |
My Teacher Prof. Ninomiya Hiroyuki | KUDO Koichi |
My Memory of Prof. Ninomiya | NAGAI Osamu |
A Catalyst, Prof. Ninomiya | NAKAGAWA Kazuo |
Hiroyuki Ninomiya, Grand Historien japonais | Pierre-Francois SOUYRI |
Bibliography of the Works of Ninomiya Hiroyuki | |
Works of Ninomiya Hiroyuki from Area Studies Book Review and Nation and Ethnos in the Modern "European World" | |
Feature II: Film Symposium: Mingration and Memory | |
Introduction: Immigration and Colonialism | KIKUCHI Keisuke |
Scenario: Memoires D'Immigres | Yamina BENGUIGUI |
Backgroundd to the Paris Suburban Riots Indicated in Yamnina Benguigui's Memoires D'Immigres | MORI Chikako |
The Memories of Algeria in the French Colonialism | NISHIYAMA Yuji |
Recalled Memory of the Zainichi Korean Memory ob Maghreb Immigrants | SONG Younok |
Feature III: Symposium: Collective Memory and Mourning the War Dead: Examining the "Yasukuni" Issue | |
Issues | IWASAKI Minoru |
Yasukuni Problem as a Multiple Ritual | IWATA Shigenori |
The Austrian "Black Cross" Association in the Dynamics of the Cultural Memory | MIZUNO Hiroko |
Yasukuni and North Korea: Suspension of History and Law | KIM Hang |
Commemoration without Transscendence | HAYAO Takanori |
Feature IV: Symposium: Changing Historiography and Historical Consciousness | |
Post-Soviet Historiography in Post-Communist Sociaety: THe Ukrainian Case | Volodymyr KRAVCHENKO |
The Polish Historiography on Contemporary History after 1989 | Lukasz KAMINSKI |
Between Nation, Democracy and Europe: Czech and Slovak Historiography After Communism | Michael KOPCEK |
Articles | |
The Memories of Vietnam War for the Voluntary Youth (North Vietnam) | IMAI Akio |
Das Wilkomirski-Syndrom: Gefaelschte Lebensgeschichte | Wolfgang HEUER |
Inscriptions from Those without a "Place": World Literature as Read from the Diaspora in John Okada's No-No Boy | LEE Hyo Duk |
Controversy about Settling the Past in Korea | CHO Kyong-Hee |
Modernity and nationalism at the end of the 19th century: ideas of a miscegenated Brazil in S?lvio Romero's work | SCHNEIDER Alberto Luiz |
The Central Planning Agency in the Soviet Planned Economy | SUZUKI Yoshikazu |
The Introduction of The Domination and Fissure, Everyday Life under Colonialism | JUNG Keun-Sik |
Memories and Documents of the Zainichi Koreans Who Recovered from Hansen's Disease | KIMIZUKA Yoshihiko |
The "Position" of Zainichi-Korean Hansen's Disease Patients in 1945-1950's | KIM Kwi Boon |
Fatigue and Ecstasy in Our Era | TOMOTSUNE Tsutomu |
On "Japanization" of the Report of the United States Education Mission to Japan | KURAISHI Ichiro |
Research Notes | |
A Modern Women's Culture in the 1930's China | YE Liuqing |
The Isle of Tsushima in the Post-War Period and Japanese Archaeology | TAWARA Kanji |
Book Reviews | |
Reading The Black Atlantic | NAKAMURA Takayuki |
The Occupation and Gender: M. Molasky's The American Occupation of Japan and Okinawa | WATANABE Eri |
QUADRANTE No.10 (Mar. 2008)
QUADRANTE No.11 (Mar. 2009)
QUADRANTE No.12-13 (Mar. 2011)
QUADRANTE No.14 (Mar. 2012)
QUADRANTE No.15 (Mar. 2013)
QUADRANTE No.16 (Mar. 2014)
QUADRANTE No.17 (Mar. 2015)
QUADRANTE No.18 (Mar. 2016)
QUADRANTE No.19 (Mar. 2017)
QUADRANTE No.20 (Mar. 2018)
QUADRANTE No.21 (Mar. 2019)
QUADRANTE No.22 (Mar. 2020)
QUADRANTE No.23 (Mar. 2021)
QUADRANTE No.24 (Mar. 2022)
QUADRANTE No.25 (Mar. 2023)ISSN 2434-9232