
Products and Service

※The Accouting Section is in charge of services such as outsourcing, printing, and purchasing of products. 
The Accounting Section is NOT incharge of purchasing books, DVDs, CDs, and Films.
The items sould be purchased directly from the Library.

Other purchases should always be made through the Accounting Section. Direct purchases from outside vendors cannnot be reimbursed.
Low-pricees from internet vendors do note justify purchasing directly without our approval.

The following types of items CANNOT be authorised as purchased using internal budgets

・Items unrelated to your field of study
・Electrical appliances such as ACs, refrigerators, heaters, humidifiers, etc....
・Kitchen utensils
Bags, suitcases, similar personal luggage except for certain TUFS equipment needed for field trips, etc.
Business cards, personal stamps (inkan)

Special instruction for purchases using a grant for scientific research

Addtion to items above,
Purchases under a given project grant can only be for that project. In other words, items for another project cannot be purchased using the grant of a different project.
Office furniture, or other office equipment (i.e. Fax machines, telephones, lighting) cannot be purchased using grant funds. TUFS will supply such items.
・Annual fees for academic conferences cannot be funded, (enrollment fees can be reimbursed.)
・Purchases using a one year aid budget made during a given fiscal year (April to March) must only be used for items in that fiscal year.
・Services including insurance and telecommunication contracts purchased during a given fiscal year must not extend beyond that fiscal year. For example, a three year warranty may not be purchased using a one year aid budget.

Order template

Please send a written order by e-mail as below.
Please be sure to contact to Accounting Section as all types of service purchases including repairs, printing and outsourcing should be made through the Acccounting Section.

To; Accounting Section(会計課調達経理係) <kaikei-chotatsukeiri@tufs.ac.jp>

Subject;(Type of budget, type of order products/service), name
      (科研費・物品)Gaigo Taro

Main body


Written Order

Name; Gaigo Taro
Delivery address; Room 70X, 7F, Research building (Delivery address is limited within university area)
Type of budget;indivisual research fund
Contact number
;ext. 5000

Product type;
Product details (manufacture
r,model number(product ID), color, other identifiable information);
;If you require specific type of products, specific delivery date and have anticipated budget ,write this in the note section. If you have no requests, please leave blank.
If there is a choice of color for the same model number(product ID), please specify your preferred color.
If you have a particular website or link, please write this here.


Special instructions

・Items included purchasing agreement