
For those who have graduated from Chinese universities , the English version of 教育部学历证书电子注册备案表 is required. Can I substitute with certificate of graduation?





  また、2018年7月1日、教育部より「※2教育部学历证书电子注册备案表(Online Verification Report of HEQC)に記載された番号で、内容確認をする必要がある」旨の公示があったため、左記の書類をWebからダウンロードのうえ、印刷して提出する必要があります。

 No you cannot. To prevent fraud , the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China decided that only CHSI can certify academic certificate on July 23rd 2004.
 (It was announced again in 2014)
 Since July 1st of 2018, the number of ※2教育部学历证书电子注册备案表(Online Verification Report of HEQC) is required. Applicants must download the document from the Web and print it out for submission.


※2中国高等教育学历认证报告(Verification Report of CHEQC)ではありません。ご注意ください。



※The academic certificate of CHSI can be obtained after the certificate of graduation is issued. If you are still studying, you can submit the certificate of expected graduation that is provided from the institute.

※Pay attention that this is not 中国高等教育学历认证报告(Verification Report of CHEQC).
If you have the original English document that is issued before June 2018(Or issued by Representative Japanese institute)with official CHSI stamp , consult with the admissions office.{If the stamp is not original, it is invalid}
(If you can submit 中国高等教育学历认证报告 you can obtain 教育部学历证书电子注册备案表. Refer to web page of CHSI.)

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