Announcement of the candidates for the members of the Employee Representative Committee

December 1, 2023

Public Notice

 We hereby announce the candidates for the members of the Employee
Representative Committee as follows, based on provisions of clause 3,
article 5 of the rules for the election of members of the representative
committee of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

(1) Professors and lecturers who belong to Institute of Global Studies,
  Health Care Center, World Language and Society Education Center,
  President's Task Force Office and Center for Contemporary African
  Area Studies, and the other professors and lecturers not belong to
  the following categories (2) - (5) (Number of committee members: 2)
  ?Takako Furukawa(World Language and Society Education Center Lecturer)
  ?Takanori Oishi(Institute of Global Studies Associate Professor)

(2) Professors and lecturers who belong to Institute of Japan Studies
  (Number of committee members: 1)

  ?Iris Haukamap(Institute of Japan Studies Associate Professor)

(3) Professors and lecturers who belong to ILCAA
  (Number of committee members: 1)

  ?Shintaro Arakawa(ILCAA Professor)

(4) Administrative and technical staff
  (Number of committee members: 2)

  ?Kenichiro Yamamoto(Student Exchange Division)
  ?Toshiyuki Umeyama(Student Exchange Division)

(5) Part time employees including part time lecturers, teaching
 assistants and research assistants
  (Number of committee members: 2)

  ?Makoto Kimura(Part-time Lecturer)
  ?Naoko Kikuchi(Institute of Global Studies Administrative Division Educational Assistant)

December 1, 2023
Board of Elections for Members of Employee Representative Committee
 Rin Odawara (Chair)
 Takahiro Motai
Hideo Sawada
 Takashi Wakui