IES Past Events


Understanding and Maintaining Psychological Wellbeing: A Workshop

Date: 16:00-17:30, 5 December (Thursday)
Location: Large Conference Room, 2F Administration Building
Language: English

Registration Link:

Living in a different country with different customs and languages is not easy.
The International Education Support Office (IES) will hold a workshop on maintaining psychological wellbeing. At this workshop, you will learn exercises and strategies about how to manage feelings, such as anxiety, and stress.
We ask you to register in advance, but this is solely to prepare the handouts. You can register anonymously.

国際教育支援室(IES)では心のウェルビーイング、安心、快適 な毎日を過ごすためのワークショップを開催します。英語での開催 ですが、具体的なエクササイズやスキルを一緒に学びましょう。配 布資料準備のため、事前登録をお願いしておりますが、匿名での登 録も可能です。


DIVERSE DIETS SEMINAR: Struggling to find food that you can eat in Japan?

Date: 16:00-18:00, 14 November (Thursday)
Location: 1F Cafeteria University Hall (Enkei)
Language: English

Registration Link:

Are you struggling to find food options that you can eat in Japan? The owner of a Japanese cooking school will give a presentation introducing some recipes and how to look out for gluten-free, vegan, Halal, vegetarian friendly options at a Japanese supermarket. Please register in advance using the QR code on the flyer.


Fuchu Walking Event
Date: 9 November (Saturday)
Location: Fuchu Park
Registration Period: 1 October - 4 November
Registration Link: (The registration site is in Japanese so please refer to the translation or ask your buddies for help registering)

Join staff, students, and the wider community to discover Fuchu City together at this walking event. Participants also receive disaster preparedness supplies upon completing the walk which will be very useful!