TUFS Initiatives and Philosophy on Diverse Gender Identities and Sexual Orientations

Philosophy on Diverse Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

TUFS follows the following principles in order to respect diverse gender identities and sexual orientations in order to be a university free from discrimination and prejudice.

1. Respect each individual's will and choice

The expression of one's gender identity and sexual orientation, and whether or not they want to disclose such information, is determined and respected based on the individual's own will.

2. Discrimination and prejudice related to gender identity and sexual orientation is prohibited

There shall be no discrimination or prejudice of any kind against diverse gender identities and sexual orientations.

3. We will strive to protect personal information.

Personal information regarding gender identity and sexual orientation will be protected.

4. Reasonable accommodations in terms of academic and administrative duties

We will strive to make the necessary accommodations through an appropriate process of consensus building to ensure that students, faculty, and staff with diverse gender identities and sexual orientations are not disadvantaged.

5. If a problem arises, we will take appropriate measures.

TUFS’ Initiatives

1. Gender Identification

Gender is omitted as much as possible, except for documents to be submitted outside of the university for which gender is required to be stated.

Please contact the Academic Affairs Division for details.

2. Use of Aliases

Only those who are eligible may use a common name (a name different from that on the family register) on campus by following the prescribed procedures.

(Reference) https://www.tufs.ac.jp/student/consultation/tsushoumei.html

For details, please contact the Academic Affairs Division.

3. Medical Checkup

If requested in advance, the checkup can be done individually based on the student's wishes. For details, please contact the Health Service Center.

4.Multipurpose Restrooms

Multipurpose restrooms are located in 19 locations on campus. They are equipped with ostomates and baby seats for multi-purpose use. Click here to see a map.

5. Consultation Service

In order to respect diverse gender identities and to create a comfortable environment for all students, TUFS provides consultation services at the following counters.

Student Counseling Center (consultation for daily life and emotional problems)


Harassment Counseling Office (counseling on harassment)
