TUFS Cinema 「日本:灰と瓦礫からの復活」上映会

日時 2022年12月7日(水)17:30開映(17:10開場)
Date December 7th, 2022 Wednesday Start time: 17:30(doors open at 17:10)
会場 東京外国語大学 アゴラ?グローバル プロメテウス?ホール
Location: Prometheus Hall, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo
プログラム / Program
- 映画『リカルド?レイスの死の年』本編上映
- トーク:渡辺 一史(ポルトガル大使館)
- 司会:水沼 修 (東京外国語大学講師)
- Screening of “Hiroshima: The World’s worst nuclear attack” and “How Rikuzen Takata was reconstructed after the 3/11 Tsunami”
Talk Session ※Language: English (simultaneous interpretation Jap?Eng available)
– Hideaki SHINODA: Professor, Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
– Mohammed ALMASRI, Doctoral student (GSAPS, Waseda University)
– Mahmoud SHEIKH HUSSEIN (M. Bekas), Journalist
その他 入場無料、事前登録制(先着250名)、一般公開
Other Admission Free, Pre-registration required (250 people on a first-served basis), Open to a general public
共催:東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科「Peace and Conflict Studiesコース」、TUFS Cinema
Organized by : TUFS Peace and Conflict Studies Course / TUFS Cinema
Supported by: TUFS Japanese-English Interpreting and Translation Program / TUFS Center for Intercultural Studies
Pre-registration is required due to the COVID-19 control measures.
登録フォーム/Registration Form https://forms.gle/cnsyHuaK7nzKdRJQ9
※フォーム登録後に登録メールアドレスに受付完了メールが届きます。当日、入口にて受付完了メールをご提示いただきますので、ご準備くださいますようお願い申し上げます(スマホ画面で問題ありません)。You will receive an acceptance email to your registered email address after registering for the form. Please be prepared to present your registration email at the entrance on the day of the event.
※事前登録がなくてもご来場いただくことは可能ですが、会場入口で参加登録をしていただきますので、事前にご登録いただくとスムーズにご入場いただけます。定員を超える場合は、事前登録を済ませた方を優先させていただきます。You can come to the event without pre-registering, but you will be asked to register at the entrance to the venue, so pre-registering will make it easier for you to enter. If the number of participants exceeds capacity, those who have pre-registered will be given priority.
※新型コロナウイルス感染症対策のため、ご来場にあたっては、次の点をご留意ください。あらかじめご了承ください。Please be aware of the following points before coming to the exhibition in order to prevent new coronavirus infection. Please be aware of the following points before coming to the event.
?必ずマスクを着用してご来場ください。Please be sure to wear a mask.
?来場時に、検温および連絡先の届け出にご協力いただきます。Please take your temperature and report your contact information at the time of your visit.
監督 / Director and Producer:Yusuf Aljnde
脚本?編集 / Scriptwriter and Editor: Mohammed AlMasri
撮影 / Cameraman:Mahmoud Sheikh Hussein (M. Bekas):Mahmoud Sheikh Hussein (M. Bekas)
2022年 / 日本 / アラビア語、英語、日本語 / 25分×2本 / 日本語字幕付き
2022 / Japan / Arabic, English, Japanese / 25min. x 2 / With Japanese subtitles
Reconstruction from “Hiroshima” (atomic bombing caused by war) and “Tohoku” (natural disaster) as seen by international students from Syria, where the civil war continues. The two documentaries present stories and testimonies of survivors of both man-made and natural disasters. The episodes also review how these incidents affected Japan politically, socially, and economically, and how the Japanese were able to rebuild their country after the disasters. Today, there are still conflicts going on around the world, but these documentaries give hope to people in war-torn countries that no matter what happens, things can get better in the future.
篠田英朗 SHINODA Hideaki
東京外国語大学総合国際学研究院 教授。博士前期課程Peace and Conflict Studies コース担当。専門は平和構築(国際関係論)。広島大学平和科学研究センター勤務時から、国内外の研修等の機会を通じて広島の復興史を平和構築の観点から語ってきている。
Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Institute of Global Studies. In charge of Peace and Conflict Studies course. Research field: Peacebuilding (International Relations) He has been engaged with various occasions in which he discusses the reconstruction of Hiroshima from the perspective of peacebuilding since the time he was at the Institute of Peace Science of Hiroshima University.
モハマド?マスリ Mohammed ALMASRI
早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究科国際関係学専攻(博士後期課程)在籍。 2021年東京外国語大学大学院博士前期課程Peace and Conflict Studiesコース修了。レバノン最大のシリア難民主導型NPO「MAPs」で教育プログラムマネージャーを務め、スウェーデン研究所から中東?北アフリカの若手リーダーの一人に選ばれる。渡日後、趣味で映画製作を始める。
Masri is currently a PhD student of the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies (GSAPS), Waseda University. Graduated from Peace and Conflict Studies Course with a Master’s degree in 2021. He was the education program manager for the biggest Syrian refugee-led NPO in Lebanon, MAPs, and was selected as one of the young leaders in the Middle East and North Africa by the Swedish Institute. After coming to Japan, he became interested in film-making as a hobby.
マフムド?シェイケ?フセイン Mahmoud SHEIKH HUSSEIN (M. Bekas)
2020年東京外国語大学大学院博士前期課程Peace and Conflict Studiesコース修了。2010年にシリアを離れ、ベイルート(レバノン)にて学士号取得。2017年渡日。学業の合間にはレポーターとしてBBC Arabicにテレビレポートを提供。現在はフリーランスのジャーナリストとしてALKASS Sports ChannelsおよびAlaraby TVで活躍。
Mahmoud graduated from Peace and Conflict Studies Course in 2020. He had also majored in Media and Mass communication from this undergraduate days. He had his films aired on BBC Arabic and other Arabic medias since his arrival in Japan. Currently, working as freelance journalist for ALKASS Sports Channels based in Qatar and Al Araby TV.
– 阿戸ちはる Chiharu ADO
– 大畠徹也 Tetsuya OBATAKE
– 清本音々 Nene KIYOMOTO
– 田村有咲 Arisa TAMURA
Translation of the subtitles and simultaneous interpretation of the talk session are provided by the 2nd year master’s students of the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of Global Studies Japanese-English Interpreting and Translation Program
〇 映画字幕とトークセッションの同時通訳
東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科 日英通訳?翻訳実践プログラム博士前期課程2年生4名
Second-year master’s students of the Japanese-English Interpreting and Translation Program, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate
We are researching interpretation and translation studies, and also working on the development of interpretation skills. In this screening, we take charge of subtitling the movie in Japanese and English as well as simultaneous interpretation in the talk session.
◆〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
◆JR中央線「武蔵境」駅のりかえ 西武多摩川線「多磨」 駅下車 徒歩5分
◆京王電鉄「飛田給」駅北口より多磨駅行き京王バスにて約10分 「東京外国語大学前」下車
東京外国語大学 広報?社会連携課( 土日祝をのぞく 9:00-17:00)
〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
Tel: 042-330-5441
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Twitter: @tufscinema