写真展 公害から「いのちとくらし」を守る - イタイイタイ病住民運動を映した写真から–(展示?上映)
Protect “Life and Living” from Pollution - Photograph Exhibition of the Itai-itai Disease Residents’ Movement –


The Itai-itai disease frequently occurred in the 1940s and 1950s in the Jinzu River basin, in Toyama Prefecture. This exhibition features photographs documenting the movement in which residents fought for the legal recognition of the disease and compensation for their suffering and environmental damage caused by an upstream mining station.

As the title suggests, the phrase “Protect Life and Living from Pollution” was uttered in the movement. This exhibition aims to consider the significance of these voices through the photos taken at that time.

開催日時 Date

Dec. 16 (Mon.) to 20 (Fri.), 2024

会場 Venue

東京外国語大学 研究講義棟1階ガレリア(展示)
1st floor on the Research and Lecture Building, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS): Photograph Exhibition

【学内上映】< On-Campus Screening >

12月20日(金)4限、研究講義棟?107教室 『イタイイタイ ー神通川流域住民のたたかいー』(田中徹監督、1974年, 60分)
Dec. 20 (Fri), 4th Period, Room 107 "Itai-itai —The Battle of the Residents in the Jinzu River Basin" (Dir. Toru Tanaka, 1974, 60 mins. with no English Subtitles)

主催、共催、後援、協力等 Supported by

Planner: Yuki Mizukami (Undergraduate student, School of International and Area Studies)

Cooperated with: Professor. Kozue Uehara, Professor. Masahiko Okawa, Itai-Itai Disease Prevention Council / Cadmium Damage Coordination, Council of the Jinzu River Basin (public incorporated organization)

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mizukami.yuki.u0[at]tufs.ac.jp([at]を@に変えて送信ください)(Please change [at] to @.)