COVID-19 Coronavirus Emergency Interest-Free Loan


1. Eligible Persons

Undergraduate and postgraduate students at TUFS whose income has decreased due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, and are in need of urgent financial support.

2. Loan Amount

A maximum of \100,000 (interest-free).

3. Application Deadline

We will accept applications until September 30, 2020.

4. Application Procedure

Please apply via post (using Letter Pack Light) or email.

5. Procedures for Successful Applicants

We require all successful applicants to submit a loan return pledge and a bank transfer request form along with their acceptance notification. Please fill in the required information and submit it by post (using Letter Pack Light).

6. Returning the Loan

Recipients have until the end of the month two years after the date of the loan to repay them. If this date exceeds the recipient’s graduation, they must return the loan by the end of the month they graduate.

However, in the following cases, the University will seek immediate repayment.

(1) If a recipient withdraws from the University
(2) If a recipient receives disciplinary action as prescribed by the University’s rules and regulations
(3) If a recipient is deemed unsuitable for said loan due to new-found information

We ask that all recipients return their loans in a single payment to the University’s bank account before their determined deadlines.
If a loan is not returned by the determined deadline, parents and guardians will be contacted.


Postal Address

Student Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Asahi-cho 3-11-1, Fuchu-shi
Tokyo 183-8534

E-mail:kinkyutaiyo2020[at] (replace [at] with @)