MIRAIの方針?理念 /MIRAI's Policy and Philosophy


MIRAI は、社会の中で博士号を持った若手研究者の活躍の場を広げることをミッションとして立ち上げられました。MIRAI では、その実現に向けて、研究活動をより広い社会の文脈やより広い範囲のステークホルダーにとっての意味とつなげていくために、各自の研究活動を、他分野や社会との関係性の中で深め、進化させ、その研究の発展と貢献の可能性を広げるために問い続け、行動することを軸に置いています。若手研究者の活躍の場の拡大は、研究者の研究の視点、問題意識が社会での問題と連関してくることで、実現できると考えています。

MIRAI was established with a mission to provide venues for young researchers with a doctoral degree so that they can actively engage in society. To achieve this mission, MIRAI ensures that their research activities are conducted in a broader social context and that the activities are useful to a wider range of stakeholders. To realize this aim, researchers are expected to develop and evolve their research by carefully considering its relationship with other fields of study and society and to continue their academic journey and practices to increase the potential of the research's development and contribution. Through this expansion of opportunities for young researchers, MIRAI believes that they will be able to contribute more to society by relating their research perspectives and approaches to social issues.

研究力強化 /Research Capacity Enhancement


MIRAI では、研究スキル向上の機会提供のみならず、参加学生が自身の研究の価値、意義をより広い文脈に位置付け俯瞰するための支援を行います。そこでは、自らの専門研究の目的、価値?意義、独創性に加え、他分野とのつながり、社会とのつながりや社会的ニーズとの関係性など、自身の研究を取り巻く関係性、ステークホルダーについて、認識を深め、問題意識?関心を広げていきます。ここから、参加学生は専門分野のコミュニティーを超えた社会との共創の糸口を掴みます。

MIRAI provides opportunities for participating students to improve their skills as well as support that enables them to interpret the value and significance of their research in a broader context and from a bird's eye view. This will help them enhance the objectives, value, significance, and uniqueness of their specialist research, deepen their understanding of its relationship with the surrounding environment and stakeholders, such as how their studies are related to other academic fields, communities and social needs, and better understand and pay more attention to stakeholders' needs and interests. Through these processes, they will find clues as to how to collaborate with society beyond the boundaries of the communities associated with their specialist fields.

キャリアハ?ス開拓 /Career Path Development


MIRAI では、新しい形の研究キャリアに積極的に挑戦し形にしていく意欲を重視し、以下のような資質を強化すべくプログラム活動を企画?展開しています:

    • 俯瞰的な研究視野:自分の研究上の関心やトピックについてより大きな文脈での位置付け、価値づけを意識
    • 挑戦意欲:大学教員のポストなど従来のポストを超えて様々な進路の可能性を追求してみる高い意欲
    • 協働志向:他の研究者やステークホルダーとの協働を作り出しながら研究を進めていく高い意欲
    • 社会への関心:幅広いステークホルダーのニーズへの関心、および自分の研究力をもってそのニーズに応え課題を解決することへの関心

MIRAI values researchers' efforts to actively explore and build new research career paths. A variety of program activities are being planned and developed to nurture the following capacities.

      • Broader approach to research: Take a broader approach to and interpretation of their own research interests and themes.
      • Positive attitude toward new challenges: Demonstrate a strong desire to explore career paths beyond faculty and other conventional positions.
      • Collaborative mindset: Have a high motivation to advance research through collaboration with other researchers and stakeholders.
      • Keen interest in society: Take interest in the needs of diverse stakeholders and in solving issues by responding to needs with their own research capabilities.