FY 2024
- Trend
Ceremony held at the Syrian Embassy to mark the completion of international joint education classes with the Arabic Language Institute in Syria
- Trend
Arabic Major Students Meet with Middle East Experts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
- Trend
Turkish Ambassador to Japan visits TUFS
- Trend
Memorandum of Understanding for Exchange and Cooperation with Musashino-gakuen Elementary School
- Trend
Fuchu JSL Japanese Support Association holds “Let’s enjoy picture books and music” event at TUFS in collaboration with the International Education Support Office
- Trend
Czech Silver Medal of the President of the Senate Awarded to TUFS
- Trend
TUFS Global Community Meeting held in New York
- Trend
TUFS students visit the Polish Embassy in Japan
- Trend
Three international students sent to Fuchu Daini Junior High School for international understanding studies
- Student
TUFS student wins award at the 6th Xavier Cup Japanese Speech Contest.
- Trend
CEO of Kuwaiti think tank visits TUFS and interacts with students and others
- Research
Carol Gluck, Former Specially-Invited Professor, Awarded the 6th International Prize for Japanese Studies by the National Institutes for the Humanities
- Trend
Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ambassador Relay Lecture Series Concludes
- Trend
President of the University of Baghdad (Iraq) visits TUFS
- Trend
Community Interpreting Research Seminar students create a guide to long-term care insurance for foreigners living in Fuchu City
- Trend
TUFS Cinema: Screening of the Hong Kong film “Winter Chants”
- Trend
TUFS Students have created and recorded stories for children, which are now being distributed via Thai public broadcasting podcasts.
- Trend
TUFS Cinema: Screening of the Afghan documentary film “Moallem Aziz”
- Student
Cheerleading Team Wins at All-Japan Student Cheerleading Championship
- Notice
[Message from TUFS President] To all students as the fall semester comes to an end
- Research
Professor Chika Takeda was awarded the National Order of Rio Branco by the Brazilian Federal Government
- Research
Lecturer HIRUTA Kei wins the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award
- Student
TUFS student wins the Amano Cup German Speech Contest D.U.K. Cup.
- Student
TUFS student wins first prize in Bulgarian Language Speech Contest.
- Trend
TUFS Cinema Afghan Film Special “Wolf and Sheep” Screening
- Trend
Japanese Culture Experience and International Evening held at TUFS
- Notice
Suspension of services during the New Year holidays
- Trend
TUFS selected for the Japan Science and Technology Agency “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation”
- Trend
Persian Major Students Exchange with Iranian Graduate Students
- Student
TUFS graduate student wins special mention at a multidisciplinary linguistics conference in Canada
- Trend
19th Four-University Joint Cultural Lecture Series held
- Student
TUFS student wins All-Japan Student German Presentation Contest
- Trend
Online exchange between students of TUFS and Ain Shams University, Egypt
- Trend
International Education Support Office holds Wellbeing Workshop
- Trend
Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement Signed with Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture
- Trend
First half of SADC Ambassador Relay Lecture Series Concludes: Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Malawi
- Trend
Singapore Junior High School Students visit TUFS
- Student
Three TUFS students win prizes at the Vietnamese Speech Contest
- Trend
Dalton Tokyo Gakuen Junior High School students visit TUFS as part of a work experience program
- Student
A TUFS student studying abroad in Uzbekistan wins first prize in an Uzbek language contest for foreigners
- Trend
The Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS) International Symposium held
- Trend
International Education Support Office holds Diverse Dietary Restrictions in Japan Seminar
- Student
TUFS Philippine Cultural Folk Dance Troupe performs at a community exchange event in Fuchu City
- Trend
Faculty and staff from the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russia) visit TUFS
- Trend
Graduate students in the Japanese-English Interpretation and Translation Program practice simultaneous interpretation in a joint class with undergraduate students
- Student
TUFS student won the top prize in the interpretation category of the Chuken Speech Contest.
- Trend
Four long-serving employees honored
- Student
TUFS Kendo Club wins prize at Fuchu City Autumn Kendo Tournament
- Trend
Rector of Stellenbosch University in South Africa and others visit TUFS
- Trend
TUFS Global Community Meeting Held in Rio de Janeiro
- Trend
International Students Participate in Fuchu City 70th Anniversary 1 Day Walking Event
- Trend
International co-educational classes with the University of Szczecin (Poland)
- Trend
Vice President of Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand visits TUFS
- Trend
Vice President Taku Shinohara and Markéta Bruna Gebhartová visit Prague
- Trend
Mozambique Ministry of Education officials visit the university
- Trend
Special Lecture by Rosemary DiCarlo, UN Under-Secretary-General
- Notice
Public Announcement Regarding the Results for the Selection of the Next University President
- Trend
The Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to Japan visited TUFS
- Trend
Japanese Language Center for International Students Holds Alumni Meeting
- Trend
Vice-Minister of Education, Science and Sports of Lithuania visits TUFS
- Trend
Special Lecture by Polish Stage Director Krzysztof Popio?ek
- Trend
The Southern African Development Community Ambassador's Relay Lecture Begins
- Notice
Announcement of Finalists for Presidential Candidate
- Trend
Crime Prevention Seminar for International Students
- Trend
2024 Fall Entrance Ceremony held at TUFS
- Notice
[Message from the President] Before the fall quarter starts
- Trend
2024 Academic Year Graduation and Diploma Presentation Ceremony
- Trend
President Hayashi Visits Turkey, Renews Agreement with Ankara University, Meets with Alumni
- Notice
2024 Autumn Entrance Ceremony
- Trend
President of the Korea Foundation Visits TUFS
- Trend
Chinese Undergraduate Student Group visits TUFS
- Trend
Inter-University Comprehensive Agreement Signed with Okinawa University
- Notice
Public Announcement:the search of the recommendation of the Presidential candidate
- Student
TUFS Student Wins Grand Prize at Japanese Speech Contest for Japanese-Language Learners from Myanmar
- Trend
Director of the Laos-Japan Human Resource Development Institute, National University of Laos, and others visit TUFS
- Student
Children's Stories Created and Recorded by TUFS Students with Thai Students to be Broadcast on Thai Public Broadcasting Service Podcast
- Research
Professor Emeritus Yoshiyuki Ogasawara and Professor Emeritus Hikoichi Yajima Receive the Foreign Minister's Commendation
- Student
TUFS Students Win Prizes in Cambodian Speech Contest
- Student
Students Participate in Japanese Subtitle Translation - Slovenian Film Screening Held
- Trend
Chinese School Student Group visits TUFS
- Trend
July Closing Ceremony and Discussion for Exchange Students and Japanese Language and Culture Study Abroad Students
- Notice
Notice on the Full Summer Vacation
- Trend
German theater workshop with actors from Schauspielhaus Hamburg
- Trend
Qatar High School Students visit TUFS
- Trend
Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan and others visit TUFS
- Notice
[Message from the President] Summer semester – here we come!
- Trend
Welcome Event for New Students Co-sponsored with Tokyo Gaigokai (Alumni Association)
- Admission
【Start on August 26】April 2025 Admission Information for School of Japan Studies Entrance Examination (English-Speaker track) has been uploaded.
- Trend
British Council Representatives to Japan visit TUFS
- Trend
Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Togo in Japan Visits TUFS
- Trend
President and Faculty of Holy Name University (Philippines) Visit TUFS
- Trend
Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Thailand Visits TUFS
- Student
TUFS Kendo Club Places in Fuchu City Kendo Individual Championship Tournament
- Trend
Curtin University Faculty Visits TUFS
- Trend
Emergency Drill Held for International Students
- Trend
TUFS Cinema Screens Two Oceania Documentaries
- Notice
Notice of the 2024 Emergency Drill (June 4)
- Trend
Tunisian Ambassador to Japan Visits TUFS
- Admission
【Start on May 16】AdditionalRecruitment for the Entrance Examination for Third-Year Transfer Students Seeking Admission to the School of Japan Studies
- Research
Joint Doctoral Program for Sustainability Research Alumnus Awarded Best Paper Prize
- Trend
109th TUFS Boat Race Held
- Trend
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia visit TUFS
- Trend
Basic Agreement on Collaboration and Cooperation Signed with Japan Post
- Trend
Rector of NOVA University Lisbon Visit TUFS
- Trend
Halal boxed lunches sold on campus
- Trend
Six International Students Dispatched to Elementary School attached to Tachikawa Kokusai School for Multilingual Education
- Trend
Entrance Ceremony for Japanese Government Scholarship Undergraduate Preparatory Education Students
- Trend
Congratulations, New Students! (2024 Entrance Ceremony)
- Trend
TUFS Holds Opening Ceremony to Celebrate the Completion of the Artificial Turf Grounds
- Notice
[Message from the President] The cherry blossoms are blooming
- Student
International Students Participate in Minyo-nagashi at Fuchu Citizens' Cherry Blossom Festival
- Trend
Presidents of the University of the Philippines Visit TUFS